Tuesday, April 19, 2016


There's some guilt that comes with being a working mom.  Especially when Dylan says "Why can I never be parent pick up?"  Or "Why do I always have before care?"
So every Wednesday and Friday that I can, I do parent pick up at 3:20 pm. And there's usually an extra kid picked up and play date involved.
We have a rotating group of friends which is fun.
I THINK I'm going to get housework done while they play, but in actuality, I'm getting snacks, playing mediator, getting toys down, putting toys away. Days off are exhausting.
Big kid friend, Chloe. One of the perks of before and after care...  Dylan knows so many big kids!
Just outside their classroom. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

"Days off are exhausting" is so funny!