Saturday, February 8, 2014

JC Penny Groupon

 I'm going to have to quit buying Groupons and Living Socials.  I always think they are such a good idea and then time just gets away from me or maybe I procrastinate and the expiration date creeps up on me.  I always use them in the nick of time but it always presents a little stress when I realize it's a few days from expiring and when oh when will I find the time to go and will they have availability?!

Here's a few pictures from a JC Penny Portraits Groupon.  I stood my ground on NOT being upsold too!  Especially since we have a large remodel coming up soon.


Melanie said...

You're remodeling? We gotta talk! I like these photos a lot. GOOD JOB on not being upsold! I did the exact same at JC Penney's and almost felt guilty walking away having spent like $8 or something. :(

vochengl said...

Great pictures! She is so adorable. Wish I had your will power, I always get suckered in.