Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Playdate Chaos!

Friends from school - it's amazing the bonds that these kids form at school.  Asher is no longer there but Dylan still talks about him all the time.  And it's been months since he left.  I'm so glad that we are able to keep in touch and have the kids play.
 These kids were in the same class since they were babies!
 Meal time!  Peer pressure is powerful - Dylan usually never sits down to eat.
 Fingerpaint!  Messy activity but it's suppose to be washable.  Although I see tiny splatters on the wall that I have yet to clean.
 Dylan and Sydney...  these girls are like sisters.  I hope they stay life long friends.

1 comment:

kpreng said...

Oh man!! Finger paint!! {{shudder - shudder}} I've only allowed that (with me around) one time. I just can't take it - so I let that be one of those Mommy not around activities ;)

Fun times though!!